summer Fruits Lemon and Mango
The citric acid in lemons, limes, and other citrus fruits makes it more difficult for kidney stones to form. Guard Against S troke Studies have shown that the flavonoids found in citrus fruit, including limes, may help protect against stroke, especially in women. Still, more research needs to be done into this subject. Healthy Bones and Teeth Bone and tooth development can also benefit from the Vitamin C found in limes.Improve Your Immune Health Vitamin C is vital to your immune health. Talk to your doctor about your allergies before adding limes to your diet. How to Prepare Limes You can usually find limes at your local grocery store, but if you want to pick them yourself, you need to know what to aim for. The healthy limes for the picking are: Heavy Bright Not discolored Limes have countless uses. Hair Benefits of Mango are : good conditioner, prevents hair loss and treatment of dandruff and that of Lemon are prevents hair loss and treatment of dandruff. Most of the limes...